1) The word of of Alberta is that the inevitable trouble that almost everyone foresaw occurring with 'Iron Mike' Keenan has started even earlier than most expected. We at FAUXRUMORS figured that the oft traveled coach would last at last this one season before wearing out his welcome with his players and management.
2) Evidently things started off on the wrong foot and has gone down hill since. Mike is the consummate detail guy. In the past he has used a players 'issues' against him to try to ostensibly motivate the player to play at his peak. To do this he goes out of his way to learn all about his team. Things that perhaps most would assume is beyond what a head coach's purview should be. There have also been rumblings that he has shown more than tacit anti-Frano-phone bias toward his French speaking players.
3) From what we have been told here are the players which 'Iron' Mike has already had 'isssues with.
- Alex Tanguay- Despite having a decent start to his season Keenan has been over heard chastising the Ste-Justine, Quebec native for not shooting enough. That may be a legit issue, but the manner in which it was addressed appears to be the problem. We're told that a not so subtle anti-French slur was used(and it appears it wasn't the first time!) Alex was aware of Keenan's past but never expected he would be a target of such bigotry at this level.
- Miikka Kiprusoff - Traditionally Mike has had a love-hate relationship with his tenders. Always quick with the hook. Usually pissing them off(Ask Ed Belfour, who almost punched Mike's lights out for that!) The word is that Mike tried to initially be nice-nice to the Finn superstar, but soon Mike reverted to his old ways and already the two barely speak.
- Jarome Iginla: While one would assume Jarome would be a prototypical 'Keenan player'; tough as nails, with scoring punch, apparently things have not been hunky dory from the get-go. No specific cause is known. There have been whispers that Mike isn't all that keen on the background of his team's captain, but we have not heard that keenan, like in the Tanguay case, has used any racially charged verbiage at Iginla. You can be sure if that was ever over heard/proven Mike's days in the NHL would be over!
- Dion Phaneuf: Another head scratcher on first glance. Dion, like Iginla plays 'Keenan hockey' However, it appears that its not so much what Dion has done ON the ice that has disturbed the Flames head coach, but what he apparently uncovered about Dion's private life is what alarmed him. We have no independent confirmation of what this issue may be(we have been told off the record, but until we get another source we won't engage in hear-say) Regardless, it has significantly strained the relationship between the coach and his young star defender. Keenan refuses to be seen with him alone, and instead has his asst coaches relay instructions
4) We hear that the team's GM, Daryl Sutter is aware of these issues, and has been approached by at least one player complaining abut the coach's antics. However, unless:
- The team takes a significant downward spiral in the standings(they are currently ranked 6th in the West Conference)
- Some of the more scurilous rumors come out into the mainstream press, don't expect the team to relieve Keenan of his duties.
5) We will stay a-top of this and any other issues as we hear more news from Alberta. As always, keep it hear for all the latest!
Thats some strong stuff you laid down there boss. You got any proof of this? I don't like Keenan, but never heard him talked about like this
Firstly, an eerie likeliness does exist between these two men... It almost looks as though Keenan is offering up the demonic greeting to the Fuhrer...
1. The truth of it is, Keenan's style never really "caught on" anywhere... He won his ONLY Stanley Cup in New York, who already had a coach/leader in Mark Messier... That Ranger team won despite Keenan's wacko coaching methods... I remember him benching Brian Leetch and a couple of other stars during that playoff run - a move, that actually hurt the team, rather than help it...
2. With regard to the individual players you mention... Let's face it, these guys are good, but this is certainly not a champiuonship squad...
Tanguay - A decent player, not a top line forward... He can get the job done as long as he's not considered "the guy."
Kipper - Great goalie - However, Finn tenders never win Cups, do they?
Iginla - INconsistent at best...
DION PHANEUF (the WHOLE name must be said, EVERY time)... Totally OVERrated... I am so sick of hearing about how GREAT this guy is... He doesn't even belong in the same PARAGRAPH as others in his inititaion class (Sid and Alex...
I thought Calgary should have won a Cup a couple of years ago, but for the aforementioned reasons, I don't feel this group has a prayer...
I think Zulu is right. Saying stuff like that on line needs facts to back it up.
Antzmarching you are wrong about our team. Kipper is one of the best goalies in the league. Phaneuf is going to win his share of norris trophies. I think they overpaid Tanguay but he does his job.
The word I'd use here is irresponsible. It is also bordering on slander and defamation. I'm not an attorney and am not familiar with the slander and defamation laws in the states, but up here in Canada it sounds like Keenan would have a case.
A new low for you Faux
As some may tell by my name i have good humor about my being fench in this english majority country. But I don't like read about people in charge making statements against us. I never heard this about keenan before this instant. This can not go unanswered by the NHL.
1) OK, OK, we knew going in that this story would generate a decent deal reaction. It certainly has done just that. Our e-mail box is literally overflowing with folks: a) Disputing what we wrote
b) Agreeing with what we wrote
c) Giving more examples of what we wrote! LOL
2) Chompsey: We won't divulge our sources. Suffice to say we double check and only use reliable people
3) Lyle: Sorry you feel its 'irresponsible' but it is anything but a defamation. We stand by our post 100%!
4) La Grenouille: We always get a kick when we see your name in our response column. Yes, you have to have a sense of humor, but we agree with you that what Keenan has reportedly done here needs to be addressed.
5) We are uncertain if there is 'proof' beyond a few select witnesses who may be reluctant to be deposed if it came down to it. Most were a bit uneasy telling us, and this was totally anonymous! We will continue to keep you al updated as this story develops
Hold on Chompsey, I DID say Kipper is a GREAT goalie... I truly believe that he is... I simply alluded to the fact that a Finnish goalie has never won a Cup, and I was disappointed when the Flames did not represent the Western Conference two years ago - they were a MUCH better team than Edmonton, and they really underachieved...
With regard to DION PHANEUF - a good player who, I feel, has not lived up to his hype... Sure, he MAY win the Norris one year, but I will bet you that it won't be next June...
The original post had to do with the coach, who I have never been overly impressed with... His emotional tactics and mind games get "old" after a short time - his methods are well documented... As there is no Mark Messier type player on your Flames, I do not see a championship coming to Alberta any time soon...
True or not I have always disliked that bastard. I won't lose sleep if he gets canned again.
Can I start a www.keepmikekeenan.com
I'm sure my often times enemies in Edmonton, Vancouver and even Minnesota would all like to contribute.
I was for the Keenan hiring from the start, mainly because thought it would be good for the Avs.
1)Vlad: You can be sure that your sentiments are shared by many!
2) Jibble: LOL!
I was thinking along the ines of the person who wanted keenan to keep his job. Anything bad for calgary is fine with me and the rest of the people here in Edmonton!
I never liked that sob.
That's a fantastic picture of Keenan. Nice work!
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