- Leave Moderation on for the foreseeable future
- Purge all previous posts(including ours) that cluttered the blog from its original purpose; the discussion of NHL hockey!
2) We were happy to see that moderation didn't stop many folks from discussion since we initiated it 2 days ago. We monitor the board frequently so any comments left will be published very expeditiously. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
3) Fauxrumors is going into its 15th month of existence (375+ posts and counting!) and we will continue to bring to our readers what they have grown to expect; First rate hockey discussion, unique opinions with an edge, and of course rumours other sites simply can't bring.
Thanks again, and as always, keep it here for the latest!
I don't comment on your blog often but it was getting a bit tiresome to wade through the constant bickering.
I guess I can deal with waiting a few minutes to see what I write if it means I won't also have to read 30 other posts about stolen blogs, fake IDs and hit counters.
1) Thanks Victor! We have received MANY similarly worded E-mails from some of the regulars on here.
2) So far the 'Moderation' idea is working very well. We're very happy how its allowed us to concentrate on hockey and not the nonsense you alluded to in your post.
3) Its slowed responses by about 25% or so, but we figure that'll be temporary as folks realize their responses will be up within a few minutes on most occasions as a member of the FAUXRUMORS group is almost always monitoring the board.
I whole heartedly concur with the Victor chap. I find your well written hockey site much more readable and easier to navigate among the stories and responses than before.
Its also nice to not have to worry about the faux- threats, if you will, made against me on here. Continue your good work on here gentlemen!
Holy mother of God, what took your guys so long to come up with this? I can now visit ya without worrying that everything I say will be twisted and my past made into an issue. By all means, don't go back to the way you were doing things.
I respectively disagree with the faux crew and the others who have responded. I didn't mind when the sillyness was going on. Even when I was brought into it. I guess my background makes it more simple for me to ignore that kind of stuff? I don't know. I do know that there has to be another way so we can all get along.
I'm just glad he'll be silenced for a time... It was getting extremely irritating...
1) Dr.: As always your contributions hockey and medically are welcome here!
2) Jintzie: Thank you buddy! You were the inspiration for the moderation decision
3) Truth: We appreciate your candor, but we believe our reasoning behind the move is sound. We have yet to decide if its going to be permanent, but certainly it won't change any time soon. Stick with us!
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