First team
Center: Sean Avery
- Right Wing: Chris Neil
- Left Wing: Darcy Fucker
- Defense: Rob Blake
- Defense: Chris Pronger
- Goalie: Dominick (The Dominator) Hasek
- Head Coach: (Iron)Mike Keenan
- GM: Brian Burke
Second team:
- Center: Alex Ya$hin
- Right wing: Jarkko Ruutu
- Left wing: Todd Bertuzzi
- Defense:Chris Chelios
- Defense: Dion Phaneuf
- Goalie: Ed Belfour
- Head Coach: John Tortorella
- GM:Kevin Lowe
2) We also thought that we'd look into an 'All-Time Prick/Most Hated Squad'. Of course we welcome your opinions. As with most "All -time" teams there is a generational bias that's inevitable.
- First team
- Center: Bobby Clarke
- Right wing: Chris( Knuckles)Nilan
- Left Wing: Dave (Tiger) Williams
- Defense: Marty McSorley
- Defense: Dave Manson
- Goalie: (Battling)Billy Smith
- Head Coach: Don (Grapes) Cherry
- GM: Bob (No longer call be Bobby) Clarke
Second Team
- Center: Dale Hunter
- Right wing: Claude Lemieux
- Left wing: Ken (The Rat) Linseman
- Defense: Dennis Potvin
- Defense: Randy Holt
- Goalie: Ron Hextall
- Head Coach: Fred (The Fog) Shero
- GM: Harry Sinden
I'm still laughing my butt off with that. I'm a bit disaponted by Bruins only got honorable mention other than the coach that is. Have you forgotten Derek Sanderson? he was the Darcy Tucker of his day.
Center: Sean Avery
Left Wing: Brad May
Right Wing: Jordin Kudluk Tootoo
Defense: Michael Komisarek, Brenda Witt.
Goaltender:Ray Emery
Center:Esa Tikkanen
Left Wing: Gino Odjick
Right Wing:Matthew Barnaby
Defense: Gord Donnelly, Ken Linseman
Goaltender:Garth Snow
1) Lloyd: Very good pick up! Sanderson should haveat least made our honorable mention list!
2) Vak: Interesting list. We especially like the Tootoo listing. He may very well 'earn' a roster spot if he keeps up his good work. LOL
Here are a few names I thought of. The isles had a guy named Gary Howett years ago who was small but like Stan Jonathan would fight anyone. The Flyers had a guy named Hound Dog Kelly. What about Cowboy Bill Flett? More recently Just a few names that bring back memories. More recently Craig Berube or even Rich Pilon. Nice post!
That might be the best blog title I have ever seen.
Also, glad to see Claude Lemieux on there...until I scrolled down and saw him, I almost thought you left him out.
Can we add most hated owner? My nomination is Bill Wirtz.
1) Thanks Shmee. No way could we forget Claude. LOL
2) Like the owner idea. Wirtz and Jacobs in Boston would be our top 2
I am pretty content with that list... other than Rob Blake? Who really hates him? Kings fans did, until he went back there.
And where the hell is Brad May? I think he may actually be more hated in Colorado than Bertuzzi at this point?
Really though those are minor. Pretty good list
1) You were not first to point out Brad May. He definitly belongs at least on the honorable mention list.
Oh my GOD, Faux, you have forgotten the biggest A-hole in the last 15 years... Um Hello...... THEO FLEURY!!!
On a tragic sidenote (and shifting sports) - I am saddened to hear of the death/homicide of NFL all-pro Sean Taylor... My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, as well as the Redskin community...
1) Antz: yes, Theo, along with being a very good player, was someoe who got under the skin of his opponents. Its a shame he allowed demons(booze) to ruin his life/hockey career
2) Yes, its always sad to hear about these horrific incidents that seemn to follow certain pro athletes
1. Fleury's addictions got out of control, but I feel more pity than hate for the guy. He played balls out for his whole career and had a lot of demons to battle (Graham James??)
2. Rob Blake - why?
My team
C - Mark Messier, the biggest ego in the history of the game, commercial shill, and asshole who refuses to sign autographs for anyone but those he deems 'worthy'. Elbows people in the head and was called 'tough' for it? BS.
RW - Todd Bertuzzi. Lazy-ass fuck and grumpy as hell
LW - Jarkko Ruutu. All yap, no skill. At least Tikkanen could back up his mouth, as can Avery once in awhile.
D - Ulf Samuelsson. Cheap shot artist elite. Never once did he seem to feel ashamed of what he did.
D - Dion Phaneuf. I just want somebody to wipe that whiny pout off of his face once and for all.
G - Patrick Roy, the biggest ass out of the whole group.
Coach/GM - Mike Keenan. Hire this guy if you want to ruin your franchise.
Dis-Honourable mention to Steve Downie, who has a long history of dirty play and treating teammates like crap
1) Jes: Yes, Theo was/is a sad case. He'd probably still be productive in the 'new NHL'. We omitted Ulf Samuelsson. Good pick up there!
2) We have NO disagreement on your Messier assessment! BTW, any word on This years Leadership Award? LOL
Wait, Someone hates St. Patrick?
Still wondering why the Rob Blake though
Oh yes. Samuelsson was big time. The young Chelios might also deserve a nomination, so does Darius Kasparaitis.
HUGE oversight Faux... ULF was definitely a Reg Dunlap type of guy... I kinda thought KJELL was a prick too... LOL
Oh yes Faux, where is that DUMB Leadership bullcrap award? Its stupid, just like the league's infatuation with Messier - he is a selfish, megalomaniac... Isn't he due for a BIG public crying session soon? Maybe THAT should be the award - Biggest CRYING BABY of the Month...
1) Rob Blake is probably not in the Chris Pronger class, but he has always in our opinion played a chippy brand of hockey
2) Antz: You must have missed the Hall of Fame induction show. Messier shed his usual crocodile tears there.
3) Vak; Kasparitis may deserve honorable mention. His hits (some on the edge of legality) always pissed opponents off.
Yes, Mess looked a little like Bill Clinton at the Ron Brown funeral - A good cry for the cameras... What a Moron!!!
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