Monday, December 4, 2006

Rumor Whore Can't Take Criticism

1) As many of our most loyal readers know, we have been one of the few, and probably the harshest critic of the rumor Whore, Eklund. In the last few weeks we have joined his free section to respond/add our comments to his "rumors".

2) We NEVER used objectionable material. Never spammed his site by promoting this one. We merely called him out on his comments/rumors as each one failed to produce any results.

3) Today we again made comment on his silly Leclair to the Rangers post (After Leclair already cleared through re-entry waivers). We pointed out the folly of this "rumor". Apparently some of our criticism hit home just a little too close, as the posting which was rated G, was promptly removed, and our posting "privileges" revoked for 48 hours. They even have the nerve to say that "Creating a new user to avoid this ban will result in a longer ban and possibly account termination".

4) As anyone knows this ban is not possible, but is more telling of how much of a fraud this character is. Real sites like this one are NOT afraid of divergent opinions. You can believe the total opposite of what we write. All are welcome, always. Feel free to write all the malediction you feel. (Just no Spam)

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