1) Many published and some private sources have told FAUXRUMORS that the uncertainty of the return of Peter Forsberg had created a bit of an ice jam for some clubs in initiating trades. The story goes that several GM's were hoping to land the super-star Swede's services and were holding off on making any deals until they were certain that he wasn't coming back to the NHL.
2) While we believe that may be true in some very isolated cases, its total bunk to believe that a great many GM's were waiting for one player before embarking on trying to improve their clubs. In fact as we at FAUXRUMORS have been writing here for months, most GM's already knew that Forsberg was either going to not play this season OR play exclusively for the Flyers. This was NOT a very good secret, so we doubt that many other GM's besides Paul Holmgren were waiting on Peter's answer. We also doubt that as much as Holmgren has been discussing things with Forsberg the past few weeks that he was shocked by the decision either.
3) Meanwhile with all 30 GM's huddled in one place (Naples Florida) the rampant speculation will undoubtedly start in earnest that deals are being consumated. However our sources tell us just the opposite. That at these meetings there are so many GM's clustered so closely that few have the time, and actually less privacy to discuss potential trades. Certainly trade discussion is no more likely here than when the general managers are in their respective offices. In these days when phones, fax machines, e-mail etc are all being used, face to face meetings are not required to construct a trade.
4) This is not to say there aren't rumours-a-plenty, but we're told most GM's/teams are playing is close to the vest and most moves will take place as close to the deadline as possible. As discussed last week, with so many teams still in the race the number of clear cut sellers could be minimal. As of this writing only 2 teams in the East were more than 4 points from the playoffs, and in the West a mere 3 teams are that far from the post season. That's 25 of 30 teams still in the playoff hunt. 25 potential 'buyers' and 5 potential 'sellers'. Maybe a good year to be a seller! One player that could now be involved in a deal is RJ Umberger. We are hearing is that Paul Holmgren is dangling the young forward in hopes to land the player(s) he wants. Certainly things should start to get interesting. We at FAUXRUMORS will stay a top of things. As always, keep it here for the latest!
I think one thing with the logjam is how many trams are buyers, and not a lot are sellers at this point.
In a league where coaches constantly play for the point instead of the win (See Quenneville, Joel) the attitude league wide seems to be ultra-conservative. PLaying for the point, or the 8 or 7-seed.
1) Your coach is NOT alone in playing it conservative. In fact stats prove that most teams play it close to the vest in the 3rd. Preferring to get the 'safe point' ,and worry about winning in OT/SO's
2) Another reason to dispense with the 'loser point'!
Hello? Anyone there? No Rumors? No posts, no comments?
All ok there bud?
1) Thanks fake Police squad. We are just fine and doing quite well, thank you!
Thanks Faux. I haven't seen that lunitic use my stolen blog in a while. He seems to use it whenever he tries to stir the pot with you boys.
Anyways, keep up the good work!
I for one never believed that Forsberg was coming back. WE read stuff here in Michigan that he was cominghere to joint the other swedes, but they forget that FOPPA and some of the guys here don't get along well.
Nice try Fux. Yopur the one who uses the fake ID's
Stop lying to everyone!!
hey Faux...
"In fact as we at FAUXRUMORS have been writing here for months, most GM's already knew that Forsberg was either going to not play this season OR play exclusively for the Flyers."
any additional comment? :)
1) Excellant point "Matt". See our story on the FOPPA signing. We wern't the only one's caught off guard by this turn of events!
2) The Flyer's front office is livid!
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