Monday, April 9, 2007

Another Pro Fighting Poll!

1) Recently the NHLFA ( 28,000 members strong) conducted an online poll of its members. Among the questions asked were specific questions about fighting in the game. At the time of reading the questions FAUXRUMORS was not happy with the wording of the questions. We felt it was an attempt to get an anti-fighting result that seemed to be desired by the authors.
2) However, even with that, the OVERWHELMING majority of respondents in this poll desired to keep fighting in the game and NOT increase penalties for this most exciting of NHL activities.
3 Look below for a complete look at the poll, and we encourage all our readers to join the NHLFA. Even if they are not pro-fighting they are making an effort on behalf of the fans to try to improve the game we all love. It will also allow you to vote in any future polls.

1 comment:


1) We agree that all should join the NHLFA. We unfortunatly don't believe Bettman's pledge that at 100,000 members he will listen.
2) Gary works for the owners. That is who he listens to. Period!

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