1) In a non-stunning move the Montreal Canadiens fired underachieving head coach Jacques Martin over the weekend. What was stunning to the local (French speaking) media was the hiring of a non-French speaker in Randy Cunneyworth. Who cares if he was a good candidate or not, its all about the politics (of exclusion of Anglo-phones) when it comes to anything in Canada's mostly Franco-phone province of Quebec. Oops, sorry, Québec.
2) First as to the move. It was LONG over due. Martin wasn't cutting it. You might recall how we chastized the Canadiens for their dumb move in firing their assisteant coach when it was clear the problem lied in their coach and GM being incredibly inept. In fact the GM was in our cross hairs with the recent Kaberle trade. See-----> http://newfaux.blogspot.com/2011/12/bettman-to-drug-test-canadiens-gm.html So when they finally fired Martin we said "Its about time"! The French press of course couldn't careless if Martin was fired as long as he was replaced with someone with whom they could talk with in French. So the move to hire Cunneyworth was met with severe criticism with political officials. In fact The Province's culture minister says she expects "the Habs to correct the situation". In other words fire Cunneyworth and replace him with ANYone who can speak French. Even a French speaking chimp would probably be fine with the likes of these clowns!
3) So what will happen? AS Cunnyworth is still labeled 'interim coach' you can be sure that GM Pierre Gauthier and the Habs ownership will 'rectify' this situation and try to mollify the imbeciles who seem to make up the political class in Quebec. WE are already reading about a possible Patrick Roy hiring. It would of course make sense for many reasons. He's a former Hab great and MOST IMPORTANTLY he speaks French!!!! Voila this Faux pas will be corrected and we can finally Vive la différence and again the Quebec politicians can Joie de vivre.
Merci beaucoup
2) First as to the move. It was LONG over due. Martin wasn't cutting it. You might recall how we chastized the Canadiens for their dumb move in firing their assisteant coach when it was clear the problem lied in their coach and GM being incredibly inept. In fact the GM was in our cross hairs with the recent Kaberle trade. See-----> http://newfaux.blogspot.com/2011/12/bettman-to-drug-test-canadiens-gm.html So when they finally fired Martin we said "Its about time"! The French press of course couldn't careless if Martin was fired as long as he was replaced with someone with whom they could talk with in French. So the move to hire Cunneyworth was met with severe criticism with political officials. In fact The Province's culture minister says she expects "the Habs to correct the situation". In other words fire Cunneyworth and replace him with ANYone who can speak French. Even a French speaking chimp would probably be fine with the likes of these clowns!
3) So what will happen? AS Cunnyworth is still labeled 'interim coach' you can be sure that GM Pierre Gauthier and the Habs ownership will 'rectify' this situation and try to mollify the imbeciles who seem to make up the political class in Quebec. WE are already reading about a possible Patrick Roy hiring. It would of course make sense for many reasons. He's a former Hab great and MOST IMPORTANTLY he speaks French!!!! Voila this Faux pas will be corrected and we can finally Vive la différence and again the Quebec politicians can Joie de vivre.
Merci beaucoup

i am sad at your post here. I do not like the photo you use to show this. We here been made to fee less than human in our country the use of that animal s offensive to us. as to the problem at hand i agree that a coachs speaking is not of inportance. the people here are sensitive about this because of how we are treated elsewhere in canada
Spot on faux!! I loved your little French Lingo to stick t to them at the end of your post! I would love to see that puke Roy hired then crash and burn!
I'm fluent in both languages. We're mostly English here but have quite a few Francophones, and I can understand their feeling like they are a minority in thir own country. As an African Canadian I can understand that issue well. BUT I think the politicians should stay away from this and to call for boycotts is silly
1) Sorry u feel that way Granuielle. WE callem' the way we dee em'
2) Thanks Blaine
3) Silas: Minority or not, its reverse discrimination
I am fluent in simultaneously languages. We're principally English right here however have very a few Francophones, and I can comprehend their feeling like they happen to be a minority in thir own country. Since any African Canadian I can comprehend which issue well. However I think the politicians should remain away from this excellent and to call for boycotts is silly
I am fluent in simultaneously languages. We're principally English right here however have very a few Francophones, and I can comprehend their feeling like they happen to be a minority in thir own country. Since any African Canadian I can comprehend which issue well. However I think the politicians should remain away from this excellent and to call for boycotts is silly
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