- We believe that the judge will essentially quash/kill Balsillie's bid saying that he doesn't want to set precedent for allowing an outside entity to decide league policy. This will delight Bettman. Who seemed poised to do anything possible short of assassination to prevent the Canadian billionaire from obtaining the franchise.
- The judge will also NOT approve the NHL bid as it doesn't come close to satisfying creditors (its 100 million less than the PSE bid) this will not make the NHL happy!
4) We can foresee the judge 'staying' (we're not lawyers, so forgive us if we don't use correct legalese) the decision until either the NHL amends its bid, or other bids can be found that do satisfy creditors sufficiently. There is also another scenario one source told us that is being discussed in back rooms. "The public option". No, not the ominous Obama health care take over, but an option where the city of Glendale takes ownership control over the team. They were the one's who were poised to be the biggest losers if the team was sold and moved (a likelihood regardless of who takes over).
5) The city has already 'invested' a great deal of revenue to this and was going to be asked for compensation anyway, so why not get the equity if you're subsidizing the product anyway? This way the city can limit its losses and control the destiny. The NHL would like this less than a hand picked owner, but would begrudgingly accept this. However do NOT expect this to happen today. We believe that if/after the judge rejects both bids today, the city will begin to scramble to get its act together and try to convince their tax payers that a Green Bay like situation would be in their benefit. Stay tuned folks, this is getting crazier by the day!
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