1) Anyone who witnessed either first hand or on replay the Chris Simon stomp on Penguin forward, and agitator Jarkko Ruutu has to come away with no other conclusion that Chris Simon should be banned for life from the NHL. We say that as past supporters of the Islander enforcer. Simon has over come a great deal to get to where he is today, but that can not excuse this second incident in a mere 10 months that exposed his apparent selfishness, apparent lack of judgement, and dare we say, stupidity?. To add insult to injury the play resulted in a 5 minute penalty with his team trailing by 1 goal with only 5:50 remaining!
2) For those who haven't seen the play Simon seems to have taken vengeance for some unknown reason against Ruutu right in front of the referees as players from both teams crossed paths at the red line while heading to their respective benches. Simon stuck out his left leg, hooked it around Ruutu's right ankle and pulled his foot out from under him, causing him to drop to all fours. Then, Simon stepped down hard with his left skate blade on Ruutu's right boot before stepping off the ice to the bench.
3) If not for his coach and fellow native Canadian, Ted Nolan, Chris Simon would probably not be playing this season. Our Islander sources tell us that Nolan lobbied hard for Chris. Snow didn't feel his return was warranted. Evidently in this case Nolan was wrong. Last night Simon not only embarrassed himself, and his team, but most especially his coach. If we were the Isles, we would immediately place Simon on waivers. Not waiting for the NHL to levy a likely 20+ game suspension. For what he did here was yet another display or recklessness and as previously mentioned, selfishness/stupidity. Two things that a team like the Islanders, who would need every point to have a playoff chance, don't need.
4) Just a quick note. We're told the FR2 Power Rankings may be delayed a day or so. Apparently there is some nasty weather in their part of the country this weekend! They hope to have it in the next day or so.
I think your rong on this fax. That gyu rootoo tryd to hit simans skate first. siman was just protecking his own feet.
Please tell us that your remark is a joke Stacy. I'll leave the spelling mistakes for others to make fun of. How can you excuse what Simon did just because he did it to a guy that you don't like? Rutuu didn't do anything to deserve geting stomped on. I read where some Islanders thought that Jarkko was acting. Shame on them too!
1) Sorry Stacy, we can't agree with your assessment. No amount of taunting can excuse/explain away what Simon did.
2) Ron: We agree. By the way nice restraint. If we were Penguin fans we would have torn into her remark more than you did.
3) FR2 tells us that they are back up and are working on getting the Power rankings out either later today or by tomorrow at the latest! As always, keep it here for the latest!
I agree with you on all points. Lifetime ban. And Nolan needs to cut him loose BEFORE the league decision is announced.
I am sick of this guy already... The league needs to just rid the NHL of this predator (no offense Nashville)- enough with these egregious attempts to injure... I thought Simon's tomahawk job (no offense Native Canadians) on Hollweg last year was horrific, but this was ten times worse... I don't care what Ruttuu's resume' entails - nobody deserves action taken against them that could end their livelihood - except maybe Simon at this point...
Also, when are the Islanders going to do the right thing with regard to this thug? STOP rewarding him with a sweater... Its a priveledge to play in the NHL, not a right... Go away, Chris Simon!!!
And Stacy, Shut the Hell up!!! Your comment is almost as offensive as Simon's actions... You spelled GUY incorrectly, btw...
Get lost Simon, The NHL doesn't need your types...
...Of course they fully embrace his types and support him with open arms and rationalize his behavior every chance they get (yes I'm looking at Brian Burke and his cronies)
1) Jibble/Sauce/Antz: Yes, we are al in agreement BUT it seems that Mr. Wang is not on board with this view.
2) In his statement Simon is being given a leave of absence: "The Islanders are going to provide some time for Chris away from the team and give him the counseling he needs and the
compassion he deserves".
3) Sorry Mr. Wang, but your team concept should have no place for repeat offenders of this type. If this were Simos first such incident we would be OK with that press release, but under these circumstances thats total bullshit!
This subject heading and picture could have also been the lead-in to a story about George McPhee, the idiot GM and VP of the Washington Capitals...
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