2) Rumours have been circulating that JJ is none too happy with his KHL arrangement with Omsk Avangard. There are varying reports of the league being in trouble. We have a post on that subject forth coming. However, the 'bloom is off the rose' sort of speak. Not only are conditions far inferior to what Jagr is accustomed to in the NHL, but he is also not happy with the competition. Jagr is a nightly target for players taking cheap shots at the super star.
3) We have read reports but also heard from various sources that Jagr would possibly accept/listen to offers from Eastern Conference only NHL teams to return. With a lack of a transfer agreement in place, nothing would prevent Jaromir from returning, assuming he's not locked into his contract. We're surprised that Eklund hasn't been all over this one already. Certainly Jagr could impact a team as much as Mats? The problem is the potential asking price and lack of cap space for a majority of contending teams that JJ would consider returning to.
4) The obvious destination, Jagr's last NHL stop the NY Rangers, have been rumoured to be in the Sundin sweepstakes, but the problem is they have virtually no cap space and either can't afford to trade away another asset, or those players they want to move are salary cap anchors; not attractive to other teams. Another possible interested team is JJ's original team, the Penguins. They too have cap issues, but the addition of Jagr to their forward lines would make them The Eastern Conference team to beat. A dark horse team that is quietly staying in the race, and could easily arrange to have the available cap space to add Jagr are the NJ Devils. Despite the loss of Brodeur for the past month they have been staying in the top 8 in the East. The addition of Jagr to make their offense more potent could tip the Devils from a marginal playoff bubble team to an instant Eastern contender.
5) Who ever Jagr chooses, or IF he leaves Russia at all at this juncture is anyone's guess. We are NOT saying we have any significant inside information on this issue at this time, but we wanted to alert our readers to its possibility. No doubt other rumor blogs will start to pick up on this as the days go by. Certainly nothing will transpire on this before the New Year. An unrelated note, look for an interesting post FR2 is writing with respect to the Sean Avery situation Its probably going to be out this Friday. As always, keep it here for the latest!
hey Faux, any idea where Shanahan will end up? Is he finished?
1) Its looking more and more like Shanny is done. He limited where he would play. Those teams either couldn't fit him into their salary structure or weren't interested
2) Anyone who watched him the past year or so can see he's lost a step. He still had his lightning quick release. He could help a team on the PP, he's a liability 5-5. By the way, where's Jason Allison these days? ; )
3) If he doesn't hook up this season look for Brendan to find employment at the league office in NY
Wow Faux, this is the first I am hearing about this... Certainly it makes sense - after all, JJ is playing in RUSSIA... Hmmm, NYC or RUSSIA? Of course, JJ is typically only happy in a new locale for 20 minutes, so maybe this was obvious... As always, I will keep it here to eye the latest rumoUr/news...
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