1) In case anyone missed it the Avery quote is linked below. To give you a little back ground/context on why Avery said this. Sean is being suspended for these disparaging remarks he made in reference to Flames defenceman Dion Phaneuf and Phaneuf's girlfriend, actress Elisha Cuthbert, who previously had a relationship with Avery. Cuthbert has also been romantically linked to Canadiens defenceman Mike Komisarek, while Avery also dated model and actress Rachel Hunter, the girlfriend of Kings centre Jarrett Stoll.
2) The official NHL announcement: NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, in accordance with the provisions of NHL By-Law 17 and Article 6 of the NHL Constitution for conduct "detrimental to the League or game of hockey," . First the obvious humor: Gary Bettman is really the one who is "detrimental to the League or game of hockey" That said, unlike other bloggers, we do NOT hates Avery. He is what he is, an asshole/agitator. As such Avery's comment was great. He has every right to say what he feels without facing suspension from the NHL. It's up to Pheneuff and every other player he offends to handle it themselves. Dallas knew what they were getting when they signed him to that contract. If Dallas owner Tom Hicks has regrets, they should put him on waivers.
3) We love how Hicks was so embarrassed by the comments. Come on give us a break. We want MORE of these kinds of comments. As the weenie announcers mentioned last night on versus, this is common place in the NHL every night (another reason the players should all be wired so we could listen!) http://newfaux.blogspot.com/2008/09/uncensored-hockey.html The difference is the comment was public, and in our opinion it was from Sean Avery. His past definitely played a role in this suspension. Its not like he was pulling a Reggie Dunlap and put a bounty on Dion Pheneuf's head. It was dumb trash talk and should have been left at that. Gary Bettman and the NHL is so image conscious that they felt the need to quash this. A mistake in our opinion. Don't go out of your way to promote it like the NBA does, but certainly don't go the other way and restrain it either.
4) What he said was factually true, so what is up with this, how can the league even get involved, he's done way worse before. UNBELIEVABLE, maybe the league should do something useful by getting rid of the elbows to the head, never mind this nonsense. Bottom line opinion on this is Who cares what he said? You should be able to say whatever the hell you want about your ex-girlfriend and another player. He wasn't threatening, graphic or really anything but Avery being Avery. Lets move on.
Hey faux your missing the biggest point. Was Avery saying that Ms Cuthbert and Ms Hunter were virgins before he hooked up with them? Who really got sloppy econds here? HAHAHAHA
1) Have to agree with Tom Benjamin's take on this issue He asks What exactly IS the line that can’t be crossed with regard to player comments about non hockey topics?
2) Wonder why the NHLPA isn’t saying anything about the arbitrariness of it all. He didn’t hurt another PA member. He just made a verbal comment that might have been perceived as vulgar to some. he didn’t use one of George Carlin’s 7 words.
3) Yes, IF Avery had threatened a player or person OR if he said something about the game itself we could maybe understand a fine, but a long suspension? More idiocy from the NHL. Gary Bettman and Sean Avery deserve each other!
1) FR: We also lkke how Tom asks that pertinent question. As usual NHL justice(an oxymoron if there ever was one) is knee-jerk. Like everything else in the NHL there are no definitions of what can and can't be said. What is the line? Is Bettman now the thougt police? Scary thought!
2) Jono: Very funny!
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