1) In case anyone missed it, last evening Anaheim defensemen Chris Pronger decided to 'pull a Chris Simon' and stomp on the opposition with his skate. You can watch it here. In the video Pronger clearly can be seen 'stomping his skate against the leg of prone Vancouver forward Ryan Kesler. There is no mistaking this as anything but a deliberate action.
2) For those who may have forgotten, earlier this season Former Islander forward Chris Simon did a similar action against Pittsburgh Penguin agitator extraordinaire Rutuu. watch that one here. At the time we at FAUXRUMORS took a very strong position that Simon deserved severe punishment.http://newfaux.blogspot.com/2007/12/stupid-is-as-stupid-does.html It could be argued that Pronger's actions are worse. The other similarity is that BOTH Simon and Pronger are repeat offenders. Its not like Pronger has been an angel his whole career. Add to all that the fact that we witnessed earlier this season what a skate can do when it accidentally hits a vulnerable area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjoByuFt1_8. To blatantly/deliberately use your skate as a weapon should get swift and severe punishment!
3) Therefore we feel that the heat is now on the NHL to show that justice is indeed blind. It was relatively easy to throw the book at Simon. He was a 4th line marginal goon who had done similar stunts in the recent past. Pronger on the other hand is a perennial Norris Trophy candidate defenseman. A super star on the Stanley Cup winning team. Will the NHL give Pronger a double digit suspension or as they did in last years playoffs, (twice) a one game slap on the wrist? As we discuss in our post last fall, there is undoubtedly a disparity in the NHL justice system.http://newfaux.blogspot.com/2007/10/were-confused.html. Anything less than what Simon received would only confirm what we at FAUXRUMORS have suspected about NHL justice; Its 2 tiered and a total joke!
UPDATE: We have read late this morning that apparently "New footage" has surfaced and the league is taking a "new look" at the Pronger stomp. To that we say Bullshit! What happened is the league started getting heat. Thanks to U-Tube, many fans saw the incident and were wondering what we were; How come Simon got 30 games and Pronger got nothing? What we expect will happen: Pronger sits for a game or two, maximum to placate those of us who demand equality!
Dollars to donuts he gets a slap on the wrist.
Right on, but I'm a bit jaded about the NHL and team-to-team fairness.
Let's see just how special his treatment is.
1) Bubba/Andy: So far we haven't read any outrage in the press/TV. That alone will allow the NHL to sweep the Pronger incident under the rug
2) It seems they react, not act when it comes to situations such as these. It should come as NO surprise to anyone. It would have taken an actual injury to Kesler to make the NHL take any meaningful action here
I don't get all the hoopla here boss. When I see that play it looks like my guy was trying to get his foot out from under the canuck guy. I don't think Prongs was tryin to hurt him.
1) Come on Zulu. We know your a big Ducks fan, but try to have some objectivity here. Pronger stomped his skate on to Kesler. Its a miricle that he wasn't hurt
2) IF he were hurt then the NHL would have no option but to suspend him, but like Simon, it shouldn't take an injury to have the NHL take action! Double standard!
Yeah he stomps on him intentionally. Kesler was trying to scissor him to keep him from joining the play, but Pronger stomped him.
I say 15-20 games is fair, (Remember Simon had just been off a suspension for playing lumberjack from Hollweg's head).
I don't think it can be stated enough that Brian Burke and Colin Campbell are friends. Burke obviously has a load of influence in the league offices, as his teams, and players under his direction, get more leeway than any other team(s) in the league.
Theresa and I were watching that game and remember hearing the announcer guy make mention of it. There wasn't any call so I forgot all about it until I saw this here. Holy mother of God he coulda hurt that poor boy. Throw the book at him Gary!
I haven't see the incident in question yet, but why is it that the SAME guys always involved in controversy? In my opinion, Pronger is one of the dirtiest players in the league, regardless of this latest foul...
Pronger deserves 30 games.
BUTTman should get 82 games!!!
1) We don't know which is worse, the fact that Pronger got 8 games and Simon got 30, OR that the league originally tried to get away with Giving Pronger ZERO games?
2) We agree, the NHL hierarchy has ZERO credibility with us/the general public. Colin Campbell is a total joke/asshole.
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